Unfolding Places guides owners and creators of unique hospitality projects through the intensive pre-opening process and launch  of their future business.

From Concept to Grand Opening.

  • August Antwerp

    Hotels & Accommodations

    Creating and tailor-making the entire operational and commercial concept and flow of your future hotel or accommodation, from as early as the construction fase.

    From concept creation to the actual Grand Opening.

  • Winery Valke Vleug


    Guiding and assisting those having a single hospitality outlet complementing their business, as well as those who want to investigate the possibility to develop one.

    Optimising existing hospitality businesses.


You’re dreaming of your own b&b, hotel or hospitality business, but you’re not sure how or where to start. Or you can use some extra advise to reach your goal…

Or you’re an architect or interior designer who would like to know what the necessary infrastructure requirements might be for a perfect operational flow.


The starting point is always your ideal business.

Previously Unfolded Places: